

JB-K40 advanced four-gas detector


Durable construction

  • Waterproof and dustproof to IP67
  • High-quality materials
  • Resistant to outdoor conditions

Alarming systems

  • Audible alarm
  • Vibration alarm
  • Luminous warnings

Possibility to measure 4 gases simultaneously

  • The tool measures 4 gases in real time


  • Large, easy-to-read display allows the ambient gas concentration to be constantly monitored

Power supply

  • Large, powerful battery allows for long run times on a single charge
  • Waterproof charging socket



  • Confined spaces
  • Safety in industry
  • Oil and gas
  • Detection of 'toxic twins' at the scene of a fire
  • Environmental protection
  • Chemistry
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Telecommunications In
  • Detection of multiple gas leaks in the chemical, food and beverage, oil and gas industries

Intrinsically safe, ATEX certified for all explosion zones



The JB-K40 is a reliable and efficient gas measurement tool. The ability to monitor 4 gases simultaneously makes the use of the instrument much more efficient. The robust design allows the unit to operate in a variety of conditions, regardless of industry. The IP67 rating allows it to work in very humid environments and in areas of abundant dust. With audible, vibration and visual warnings, the user can always feel safe and confident of being informed of danger. The size of the device allows the user to carry the detector with them at all times without feeling uncomfortable. Choosing the JB-K40 is a decision to protect the health and lives of yourself and others.

DetectionUsageConfigurationSpecificationStandard parts

The JB-K40 is designed with safety and protection against potential gas hazards in mind. The detector is ideally suited to many industries. No matter the environment with the JB-K40, you can always feel calm and safe.

W przypadku gazów lub zakresów detekcji niewykazanych na poniższej liście prosimy o kontakt z producentem.

Gas Range Range Resolution
CO 0-1000ppm 0-100ppm, 0-500ppm, 0-2000ppm, 0-5000ppm, 0-10000ppm  1ppm
H2S 0-100ppm 0-10ppm, 0-50ppm, 0-500ppm, 0-1000ppm, 0-10000ppm 0.1ppm
O2 0-30%VOL 0-5%VOL, 0-25%VOL, 0-50%VOL, 0-100%VOL 0.1%VOL
EX / CH4 0-100%LEL 0-100%VOL 1%LEL
NH3 0-100ppm 0-50ppm, 0-500ppm, 0-1000ppm, 0-5000ppm 0.1ppm
CL2 0-20ppm 0-20ppm, 0-50ppm, 0-100ppm, 0-200ppm, 0-500ppm 0.1ppm
H2 0-1000ppm 0-100%LEL, 0-2000ppm, 0-10000ppm, 0-40000ppm, 0-4%VOL 1ppm
CH2O 0-20ppm 0-50ppm, 0-100ppm, 0-500ppm, 0-1000ppm 1ppm
O3 0-10ppm 0-1ppm, 0-10ppm, 0-20ppm, 0-100ppm, 0-500ppm, 0-1000ppm 0.1ppm
CO2 0-5000ppm 0-2000ppm, 0-10000ppm, 0-20000ppm, 0-50000ppm, 0-5%VOL, 0-10%VOL, 0-50%VOL, 0-100%VOL 1ppm, 0.1%vol
NO 0-250ppm 0-20ppm, 0-50ppm, 0-500ppm, 0-1000ppm, 0-4000ppm 1ppm
NO2 0-20ppm 0-50ppm, 0-100ppm, 0-500ppm, 0-1000ppm, 0-4000ppm 0.1
SO2 0-20ppm 0-20ppm, 0-50ppm, 0-100ppm, 0-500ppm, 0-1000ppm, 0-2000ppm 0.1, 1ppm
PH3 0-20ppm 0-20ppm, 0-50ppm, 0-100ppm, 0-500ppm, 0-1000ppm, 0-5000ppm 0.1ppm
HCL 0-20ppm 0-20ppm, 0-50ppm, 0-100ppm 0.001, 0.1ppm
HCN 0-50ppm 0-20ppm, 0-50ppm, 0-100ppm 0.01,0.1ppm
HF 0-100ppm 0.01,0.1ppm
C2H40 0-100ppm 0-50ppm, 0-100ppm, 0-500ppm, 0-1000ppm, 2.4%VOL 0.1, 1ppm,
C2H5OH 0-100%lel 1%lel, 1%vol
C3H8 0-100%lel 1%lel,1%vol
C7H8 0-20ppm 0-1ppm, 0-50ppm, 0-100ppm, 0-500ppm, 0-1000ppm, 0-5000ppm, 0-10000ppm 0.01, 0.1ppm
C8H10 0-20ppm 0-1ppm, 0-50ppm, 0-100ppm, 0-500ppm, 0-1000ppm, 0-5000ppm, 0-10000ppm 0.01, 0.1ppm

  • Personal monitoring
  • Open and closed spaces
  • Refineries / petrochemicals
  • Tools
  • Hazardous materials
  • Water / waste water
  • Fire brigade services
  • Construction

Possible configuration options

  • 4 chosen gases: Standard: LEL, O2, CO, H2S, NO, PH3, NH3, NO2, HCN, SO2 or others

Measurement method natural diffusion
Response time ≤60 secound
Accuracy ≤±5%F.S  (excluding special gases)
Alarms Sound, vibration, light, display
Battery 3.7V battery, 1800mA
Working time
≧ 8h continous working
EU certificates and regulations 2004/108/EC(EMC)
Protection degree IP67
Working temperature -10℃~+55℃
Humidity 0~95%RH(without condensation)
Dimensions 136*72*32mm
Weight 300g (with battery)


# Numer Opis
1 JB-K40-Body Osłona obudowy
2 JB-K40-Bat Battery, Li-ion
3 JB-K40-O2 Sensor, Oxygen (O2)
4 JB-K40-LEL Sensor, LEL,
5 JB-K40-CO Sensor, Carbon Monoxide (CO)
6 JB-K40-H2S Sensor, Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S)
7 JB-K40-NO Sensor, Nitric Oxide (NO)
8 JB-K40-NO2 Sensor, Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2)
9 JB-K40-NH3 Sensor, Ammonia (NH3)
10 JB-K40-HCN Sensor, Hydrogen Cyanide (HCN)
11 JB-K40-SO2 Sensor, Sulfur Dioxide (SO2)
12 JB-K40-PH3 Sensor, Phosphine (PH3)



Driver USB-COM

CH341SER_32_bit   lub CH341SER_64_bit







Declaration of conformity


User manual 
