In refrigeration and heating installations, efficiency in the operation of the system depends on its gas charge, a leaking system will incur additional costs.  Firstly, it needs to work harder to produce the same cooling / heating effect which substantially increases power consumption resulting in an increase in the energy bill. Additionally, there is the associated cost of topping up and a service call.

Global Warming Energy taxes when implemented will increase this cost dramatically. In the UK and Holland energy taxes have been implemented while Denmark has applied penal taxes on refrigerant.

Stock/ Premises/Personnel damage: In the worst case scenario a substantial leak may give rise to possible product spoilage, leading to stock loss.  Moreover, combustible and toxic gases pose a real threat to staff and premises, due to depletion of the oxygen content of the air in a space, health problems, or explosions.

Insurance premium: In some instances insurance companies require the installation of gas detectors to maintain cover and are reducing premiums where these are fitted.

Given these fairly obvious cost implications it is surprising that in so many cases leaks are allowed to continue without any corrective action being taken.

The Industry reluctance to minimise leaks has resulted in Legislation and Standards being introduced worldwide to force the issue.

An investment in gas sensors – a requirement or an unnecessary cost?